Boresaver Ultra C Pro
Premium Iron Oxide & IRB Cleaner
BoreSaver Ultra C, a high-quality rehabilitation chemical, has been specifically formulated to eliminate iron oxide build-up in groundwater bores, wells, pumps, and pipes.
The accumulation of iron oxide residues in the well or bore can result in reduced production and escalating maintenance expenses. These slippery orange deposits are caused by the natural conversion (oxidation) of dissolved iron by bacteria known as Iron-Related Bacteria (I.R.B.). Not only is this unpleasant for operators but it also indicates a system that is gradually becoming obstructed, inefficient, and costly to maintain.
It's worth noting that these iron oxide residues can impact stainless steel, cast iron components as well as different types of plastic groundwater pumps. By using BoreSaver Ultra C, you can effectively address these issues and ensure optimal performance while minimizing maintenance costs.

Safe & Easy to Use
BoreSaver Ultra C has received numerous authorizations for its application in drinking water systems. There is no introduction of any substances into the production process. The solution used for treatment is disposed of after the cleaning procedure.
How Much Product Do I Need for My Well?
When evaluating different iron oxide cleaners, it is highly recommended to compare the suggested dosage rates in order to ensure that you are receiving good value for your money. If a cleaner costs the same but requires 50% more product, it is not considered a good value at all.
The appropriate amount of BoreSaver Ultra C to use depends on the volume of water in the bore that needs treatment. The level of contamination in the pump is not solely determined by how long it has been in use.
Factors such as mineral levels, dissolved carbon dioxide levels, and quantity of pumped water all contribute to the presence of residues within both the casing and pump.

How Often to Clean
The frequency of follow up cleanings will be determined by the natural conditions already present in the well and the aquifer.
It is not possible to totally eliminate the iron related bacteria contamination from the far reaches of the underground aquifer. BoreSaver will however provide effective control and cleaning for extended periods of time.
By evaluating when the effects of the iron oxide residues start to cause the installation or user unacceptable performance, treatment timing can be determined. Generally, this should be considered at the halfway point of the breakdown timeline since the propagation of the bacteria tends to be exponential.
By treating at the half way point, the optimum performance of the pumping infrastructure will be maintained. An added benefit of this program is that the ongoing maintenance costs are locked in at their lowest possible levels.
Examination of the historical site records as well as studying the telemetry records for the system will establish this optimum re-treatment baseline.

How to Recognise the Problem
If you notice any of the following signs, it could indicate an issue with iron bacteria or the buildup of iron oxide:
- The presence of rusty slime inside pipes
- Cloudy and rusty water when the pump starts up
- Reduced water flow from the bore
- Blockages in main lines and laterals due to slimy deposits
- Unpleasant odor in water pumped from the well
- Rusty and slimy deposits in drippers and sprinklers
- Severe staining on pavements, walls, and foliage
Additionally, if you observe blackish-brown deposits, it may be a sign of manganese oxide presence. These symptoms are indicative of problems that need attention to maintain proper functioning. It is important to address these issues promptly to ensure reliable performance.
How to Use BoreSaver Ultra C Pro
BoreSaver offers a safe and environmentally-friendly solution for achieving clean and efficient water flow. By following the four-step process provided by BoreSaver, you can easily restore the quality of your well or borehole.
To begin, consult our range guide to determine the appropriate BoreSaver cleaner for your specific needs. Next, refer to our dosage table to ensure you use the correct amount of cleaner. Once ready, simply pour BoreSaver directly into your well or borehole. It is important to recycle the water during this step and allow it to remain in place for a duration of 24 hours.
Afterwards, it is recommended to flush out your well or borehole using one of several standard methods available. These include surging and brushing, air-lifting, or pump-in recycling techniques - all designed to safely remove any deposits and contamination present in your system.
With BoreSaver's comprehensive approach, you can be confident in achieving clean and fast-flowing water while maintaining ease-of-use and environmental responsibility. Trust BoreSaver as your reliable solution for effective well maintenance.

Product Description
BoreSaver Ultra C is a specialized acidic solution designed specifically for the remediation of iron oxide deposits in potable groundwater wells, bores, pumps, and pipes.
It offers a comprehensive solution to effectively dissolve these deposits and restore the optimal functioning of the system. For optimal results, it is recommended to extract the pump and perform a surge procedure using an appropriate rig. However, if this is not feasible, there is an alternative method available that allows for cleaning the pump inside the bore as well as the rising main.
Please note that while this method ensures thorough cleaning of the pump and rising main, it does not address any potential buildup below the pump or screen section.
How To Use
BoreSaver Ultra C is available in concentrated form and can be used directly or mixed with drinking water before use, if necessary.
For wells that have a water depth of up to 170 feet, the solution can be easily added to the top of the casing. By surging, cycling, or brushing the well afterwards, the product will effectively mix into the desired areas.
If you plan on leaving the pump in place and using a cycling method for treatment, simply start the pump and pour BoreSaver Ultra C into the top of the well. This process will thoroughly clean both the pump and upper sections of casing without significantly affecting anything below where water is drawn into it.
How Much To Use?
Dose rate is 5% by volume of BoreSaver Ultra C to the water volume in areas to be treated.
As an example, if there is 200lt water in the bore, we would use 10kg BoreSaver Ultra C
Simple Pump Cycling Method
This method leaves the pump in the hole and directs the flow back down the well. Providing more of a focus on cleaning the pump, this method is most often used on wells that are not heavily clogged or where pump removal is not feasible or for economic reasons.

Application Method
In order to redirect the discharge back into the well, adjustments should be made to the pump head works. This can be easily achieved by attaching a hose or, if necessary, directing the output into a tank that will then discharge it back into the well.
To begin the process, add the recommended amount of treatment product directly into the casing. This can be done either through a tank or another suitable method.
Next, it is important to recycle for a minimum of 8 hours. During this time, it is crucial to monitor and ensure that the pump does not overheat or run dry.
After completing 8 hours of recycling, add approximately 5 gallons or 20 liters of water to replenish and maintain proper levels in the well.
Once water has been added, leave the pump off for a period of 12 to 24 hours. This allows sufficient time for any potential reactions and processes withinthe system.
It is essential that any wastewater from purging is disposed of in accordance with protocols established by relevant authorities such as Environment Agency.
During this purging phase,it is recommendedto add potable water to flush out cleanerand remove reaction by-products from abovethe pump area.
This would also be an opportune momentto conductpump (SC) and watertests if desired.
Finally,reconnectthe head works properlyandresume normal operations as per usual protocolsto restore functionality
On Site Disposal of Purge Water
The minerals dissolved in solution, carbon dioxide, and residual acidity are the main components of purge waters. These waters, including any chlorinated water, should be disposed of following the guidelines set by the Environment Agency. To address this issue, it is recommended to store the first two volumes of purge water on-site in a holding pit or tank for pH correction.

Examples of iron related bacteria (IRB)